Saturday, 3 September 2011

October/September 2011

1505 Broadway, New York
A beautiful and stylish apartment set in the heart of New York, a place for others to gain inspiration and feel like their in a building towering through the sky. Built with luxury in mind. With the use of photo shopped windows which I designed myself it creates a realistic feel of New York living.

A grand and majestic entrance hall from the gold plated elevator.

The relaxing, subtle yet luxurious seating feature.

The warm and sophisticated living and entertaining area.

The modern and contemporary kitchen/dining area.
The luxurious, cosy and relaxing bedroom area, with a fitted walk in closet and bathing room.

Thanks for reading this months blog :) I hope you enjoyed it and gained some inspiration. Any questions feel free to mail me on my avatar or comment here.

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

The American Villa - a featured place in Smallworlds


The American Villa is a quaint villa designed as the name suggests to be an American Style Villa which designers and architects around the world strive for. Not only are the houses efficient they are desirable. 

I started off with an impressive entrance, with a patio surrounded by trees.

As you enter on your left you will see the lounge with photoshopped windows craeted by myself to add a nature effect. It emphasises the theme, and they are throughout the house.

At the top of the house there is a beautifully designed kitchen with a 4 x 2 island unit. There is also an elegantly decorated table and many finishing touches. The painting of a strawberry helps to show that it is a kitchen but aswell makes the room stand out. 

Behind the house there is a guesthouse for guests to stay, it is carefully designed to look good and be purposeful and romantic. The area out back also features a hot tub and a table for evening dining or breakfast in the relaxing summers.

Up the stairs you go your greeted by a well proportioned bathroom that utilizes the empty space so there can be more bedrooms. It is not that I wanted to replace the original windows because I thought they didn't look good but it is more for uniqueness and in my personal opinion larger windows stand out and bring light and color into the space as well as connecting it with outside to create a more real and summerlike atmosphere. 

The Final corner of the upstairs is a large and spacious closet which is again unique but you have to come and see the space to view it :)

Thanks for reading my blog and I am sorry I have not updated it in a long time, I will slowly gradually adding blogs from several months ago and finally keep upto date.

Thanks for reading and have a great summer :) 
Blue Shock

Saturday, 28 August 2010

Some homes I have created, August 2010

On the wonderful virtual world Smallworlds, I have been spending my time creating homes, not just normal homes but homes that really do feel like home. I gain a lot of inspiration daily from websites I look at, which gives me the urge to create something similiar on the game. Anyway i'll stop boring you now and show you some of my work.

Property 1      Winter Ski Lodge

 The thing I love most about the Winter Ski Lodge is probably the magnificent amount of space on offer. The garden is wonderfully landscaped, with sparkling snow covered trees and a warm fire for the cold nights.

The inside has a lot to offer too, a large living area with a fireplace and a dining room with views onto the snowy trees, it really gives a feeling of Winter, even in Summer. Winter is my favorite time of year so making this was a lot of fun. I used decorative touches with a bit of luxury.

Property 2        Cinque Terre Villa

After scrolling the internet I found a beautiful region of Italy called the Cinque Terre looking at the pictures inspired me to make a space with the theme.

There are magnificent views looking down on the village of Vernazza. I wanted this place to feel italian so I put pictures of fine food and wine on the wall in the dining room, and even a picture of an italian flag made out of food. This place is very colourful and homely.

Property 3        Rocky Mountain Hideaway

I wanted another pad to chill in with great views of the Rockys. So I designed this place with cosyness and fun in it. I love the Rocky Mountains very much so this theme sounded like a good idea at the time. It's very cosy and great for parties.

Property 4       Tangled Creek Retreat

 I designed this place for a friend as they had seen my others and loved them. It's quite simple yet effective and looks beautiful in world. I decided to use an unknown design feature the bear rug and the bear head, to make it look like a bear is lying on the floor, just for fun.

That's about it for August, thanks for reading my blog, hope you enjoyed.
You can mail me on Smallworlds, my avatar is Blue Shock.
Please join the site if your interested in seeing future blogs, and interior ideas for your inspiration.